Lat Lon Converter Crack+ Keygen X64 Lat Lon Converter Crack+ [2022-Latest] This utility converts Latitude and Longitude (both in decimal degrees) to address's location. Both Latitude and Longitude can be in decimal or degree format. The Latitude/Longitude's decimal degrees will be rounded to 2 decimal places. Example: convert address 020556020 to Lat/Lon 0.382042/-0.003651 convert address 555520 to Lat/Lon 0.365465/-0.005997 To use this utility you should have a file with the list of addresses. The addresses should be separated by ";". To use this utility you should have a file with the list of addresses. The addresses should be separated by ";". The file should look like this: 020556020;0.382042,-0.003651 020556020;0.365465,-0.005997 To convert an address just open the file and double click on the first line. To convert an address just open the file and double click on the first line. Converted addresses are saved in a file. And if you want the converted addresses to be replaced by the new value, just open the original file, find the first address and double click on it. If you want the converted addresses to be replaced by the new value, just open the original file, find the first address and double click on it. Author: Sergey Matveev Last updated: 11.05.2008 Copyright: Sergey Matveev License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Comments: Sergey Matveev To use this utility you should have a file with the list of addresses. The addresses should be separated by ";". To use this utility you should have a file with the list of addresses. The addresses should be separated by ";". 8e68912320 Lat Lon Converter Free Download Latest What's New In? System Requirements: MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7 SP1, 8.1, 10 (32/64 bit), XP (32/64 bit) Processor: Dual-core 2.5 GHz or faster Memory: 1 GB RAM Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 5770 or better Graphics: Intel HD 4000 or AMD HD 5700 Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible Network: Broadband Internet connection Hard Drive: 1.5 GB available space Display: 1024x768
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