Acoustic Research was a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company that manufactured high-end audio equipment. The brand is now owned by VOXX. Acoustic Research was known for the AR-3 series of speaker systems, which used the 12 in (300 mm) acoustic suspension woofer of the AR-1 with newly designed dome mid-range speaker and high-frequency drivers. AR's line of acoustic suspension speakers were the first loudspeakers with relatively flat response, extended bass, wide dispersion, small size, and reasonable cost.
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Incorporated into the Diva line of loudspeakers manufactured by Swans the M5N earned the Exceptional Value Award at The Home Entertainment Show 2000. In 1999, Swans manufactured M5N woofer with original and beautiful appearance, which is suitable for digital audio and sound signal linear loudspeaker system, which is dynamic and with low distortion. This design has laid another landmark of Swans loudspeaker. Advanced alloy (magnesium/aluminum) cone, coated with special damping material, having good rigidity and dynamic stability, improving the sonic features of the driver; High power handling, heat-resistant Kapton? Voice coil former and heat-resistant SV voice coil wire; Finite Element Analysis for shielded magnetic system with long-throw linear excursion design. Hi-Vi Symmetric Motor Drive (SMD) technology makes the voice coil into a symmetrical driving magnetic field, thus acquiring symmetrical driving force, reducing voice coil inductance and back electromotive force modulation, improving the controllability of the speakers; Low distortion degree. Finite Element Analysis for flat & rigid iron frame, prevent the parasitic structural resonances. Using leading technology of Small/Thiele parameters M5N can be used as a bass or midrange in a two-way bookshelf speaker system; or used as a main speaker, center channel speaker, surround speaker, or subwoofer in a home theatre system; it can also be used in multimedia speaker systems.
I am grateful to the moderators of r/science for developing this study with me, especially Nathan Allen and Piper Below, who managed the relationship, and William Budnick, who offered feedback on the modeling approach. Merry Mou co-developed the research software that made it possible. I am also grateful to my dissertation committee of Ethan Zuckerman, Tarleton Gillespie, and Elizabeth Levy Paluck, for thoughtful and ongoing feedback on this paper.
Ultimately, I argue that it's a mistake to see moderators purely as exploited workers, domineering oligarchs, or public-minded citizens. The meaning of volunteer moderation is constantly changing, since it functions to fill in the cracks that are left by platforms' attempts to organize social relations at a massive scale. And like other influential roles in society, the meaning of moderation is constantly contested and redrawn from situation to situation. About the Illustrations This blog post includes anonymized illustrations of discussions in r/science. I am grateful to Sophie Diehl for conversations about illustrating this research and for open source algorithms by Anders Hoff that I modified to create the artwork.
Every single part has been looked at from the ground up. Every driver has been optimised in Dynaudio's state-of-the-art Jupiter measuring lab. And every finish has been painstakingly formulated and executed to reflect those on our most exclusive speakers.
Whatever your tastes, you'll hear the result of 45 years of painstaking research, development and listening experience. From the proprietary MSP cone material and fabric soft-dome tweeter technology Dynaudio has been using since 1977, to the up-to-the-minute Hexis inner dome and magnet systems, Emit lets you join the 'high-end club' in style.
A Classification Of Residential Neighbourhoods. Acronym for the CACI Ltd research organization's system of demographics classifications, used for consumer marketing in the UK. More about ACORN and other demographics classifications. In the US, ACORN also stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, which claims to be the USA's largest community organization representing low-income and moderate-income families, "...working together for social justice and stronger communities..."
Basking In Reflected Glory. This is a wonderful old expression, made modern (and more fascinating too) by its recent rendering in acronym form and use in the psychology of social identity. This relates directly to human motivation in many ways. Psychologist Robert Cialdini and author of the best-selling book 'Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion' helped significantly to popularize the BIRGing terminology and concept, and conducted extensive research demonstrating BIRGing behaviour theory and its wide existence. The 'BIRG effect' or 'BIRGing' refers to a person seeking to associate him/herself with the success or appeal of someone or something else, and thereby (the person seeks) to enhance his/her own personal image/reputation in the opinions of others. (See also the Halo Effect.) Nearly all of us do it (BIRGing) in one way or another. The behaviour is rooted in self-esteem, self-image, security/insecurity. In turn, instincts and motivations around BIRGing may be more deeply driven, at an evolutionary survival and procreation level - basically humans exist to attract/form relationships and mate, or we would not be here at all. At a superficial level we see examples of BIRGing everywhere, fundamentally yet very subtly, in the wearing of strongly branded clothing and apparel. We see it in people who like to drive very aspirational car brands, and in the aims and effects of aspirational and lifestyle branding more broadly. BIRGing most definitely features very strongly in social networking websites and computer/phone applications involving 'liking' and 'following' people and things, and in affiliating to groups. The BIRGing phenomenon is very simply shown in the wearing of football club shirts, especially when the football club concerned is winning. Studies point to other evidence such as the tendency for political posters in voters' houses to be removed quickly after the candidate/party loses, compared to posters for triumphant candidates/parties, whose advertised support remains in windows much longer after the election result. More individually BIRGing can be seen when people affiliate seriously and very openly with a popular local person or entity, such as a leader or project or cause. The psychology of BIRGing can be related to Darwinian evolutionary theory, and also to Freudian theory on ego and self image, etc. BIRGing is a popular and light term, yet has serious influences and connections.
Director's Further Instructions/Different Flipping Idea. (Polite version). This wonderfully flexible and expressive term (thanks N Purcell) is commonly used in the film and TV industry when a change of plan occurs, typically after considerable (and now wasted) effort by the crew to achieve the original plan. In fact this frustrating and time-wasting shift in executive direction occurs very widely in all areas of management and leadership, including at the very highest level. The alternative interpretation of meaning - Different Flipping Idea - is the understandably sarcastic response from the teams, subordinates and victims of whimsical unthinking leaders, the world over. The original meaning 'Director's Further Instructions' conceivably dates from the 1930s golden age of film making when Directors of Photography (DoPs) wore white lab coats and Heads of Departments (HoDs) were always referred to as 'Sir'. Most film/TV technicians today are more familiar with the second ironic meaning of this acronym, perhaps reflecting an increasing tendency of mind changing among modern directors. The lesson of DFI teaches us the importance of good quality planning, consistent project management and communications, towards a properly considered aim. When leaders change their minds (methods and/or aims) half-way through a project it is nearly always the result of poor planning, even though leaders tend to blame changing circumstances and deny any personal failing. The advent of changing circumstances is not an excuse for poor planning. One of the most crucial and often overlooked elements of planning and leadership is to anticipate circumstances. This generally involves some good quality thinking and consultation, and probably some research too. Where the DFI effect arises, this aspect of leadership is almost certainly missing. By way of illustration, a certain ex-leader once said at a certain inquiry into a certain disastrous war: "It wasn't a lack of planning, it was that we discovered a different set of eventualities..." (See leadership tips, leadership theories, project management, and business planning.)
Electronic Point Of Sale. The retail industry term for auto-readers - normally of bar-codes - at store checkout tills. EPOS caused a retail revolution, enabling massive advantages for retailers and sellers, including automated stock control and re-ordering, sales tracking, market research, staff de-skilling, customer service, customer spending profiling and loyalty card systems. Sometimes referred to as EPS. See also EFTPOS.
Flipping Nearly Died. Polite version of healthcare term, transferrable to descriptions of any traumatic aftermath, eg, sales conferences involving overnight stays and obliging night porters; excessive outward bound courses; car journeys with the firm's worst driver, etc. (Ack. A Carr)
Passenger(s) On Board. Primarily a taxi-cab drivers expression used when reporting back to base that they've picked up a fare and have the customer(s) safely aboard (Ack MP). The acronym transfers extremely well to describe certain work teams, and to explain the importance of teamwork (ie., if a team is a 'POB' team, then it contains at least one 'passenger', not contributing as fully as they might be). Also a reminder for team leaders and facilitators of the importance of setting up work teams and syndicate groups for team-building games so that all members of the teams are engaged in the activity (see the team building activities guidelines). 2ff7e9595c