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Electra X2 Vst Full Version 25


For a timeless rum drink , we would recommend the classic; THE MOJITO. An ice-cold glass of refreshment that brings out those delicate flavour notes of BACARDÍ rum while beautifully harmonising with the citrus of lime and the freshness of mint.

Each of the four layers is as an independent, full-featured multitimbral synthesizer consisting of up to 54 oscillators, dual multi-mode filters, a flexible modulation system, an effects section and its own arpeggiator. Together with this and the 14 different types of synthesis available, it's guaranteed that your sound design possibilities are virtually endless.

Electra X2 Vst Full Version 25

A 'Wavetable' oscillator is similar to a basic oscillator, except that the waveform can be scanned (interpolated) through up to 256 different waveforms shapes. The position of the waveform can be adjusted using the 'wave index' parameter. Starting with version 2.9, SynthMaster now supports loading wavetables from wave files!

MacOS 10.13 or newer.(older os versions might work, but they are neither tested nor supported). Windows 64-bit, versions 10 or newer.Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 X2 or newer.4 GB RAM (8 GB or more is strongly recommended)1 GB hard disk space for installationScreen resolution 1280x800 or larger.An F-AudioLabs account is required to register and install the software.Active Internet connection for downloading installer and managing licenses.The most recent maintenance release of the DAW application is recommended.However, due to plug-in host differences between DAWs - and our own rigorous testing standards - we only officially test our plug-ins in the most recent versions of:Logic Pro, Cubase, Live, Studio One, Digital Performer, Reaper and Sonar.Our plugins are not tested in the non-listed systems, but they most likely work as long as the system requirements are met.We cannot guarantee a solution for issues in unsupported systems.

The Toyota Prius is a full series-parallel hybrid electric compact car developed and manufactured by the Toyota Motor Corporation. The second generation Prius had been completely redesigned as a compact Kammback. The XW20 series represented the second generation of the Toyota Prius, replacing its XW10 predecessor. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Air Resources Board (CARB) rated the Prius as among the cleanest vehicles sold in the United States based on smog forming and toxic emissions in 2008.[3] Toyota sold about 1,192,000 units of the second generation Prius worldwide.[4]

Mic PreA fully discrete Class A design mic pre with the option to add a Lundhal transformer to as many channels as you like. In addition the preamp has a full bypass post fader insert point that allows you to easily incorporate any external preamp from your collection or 500 Series rack.

EQA 4 band fully sweepable Trident EQ is at the core of this console. Every channel not only has a full EQ but also a Tilt EQ on the Monitor section. In addition there is the ability to switch the full EQ from the Input path to the Monitor path. Furthermore the EQ has its own independent Insert. Like the preamp you can also insert to the EQ path and either bypass the EQ for any other outboard EQ or use them in conjunction with each other.

Accidental Magic Accompany Me Mr. Casio Accompany Me Mr. SID Acidic Energy Source Afrobeat Duo 1 Afrobeat Duo 2 Age of Clarity Age of Computations Aggravated Pulse Air of Resignation Alejandro BuzzBass Alert the Fleet Alley Pulse Alternate Forces Alternative Fuel Source Amber Skies Ambient Whoosh Lights An Echo of the Night Analimbionic Builder Analog Bass Drive Analog Orbits of Jupiter Analog Synth Guitar Android Heartbeat ANDROMEDA - Becoming Ramped ANDROMEDA - Bombin' ANDROMEDA - Star Cycler ANDROMEDA - The Envelooper Angelo gets glitched Angry Torched Lead Bender Anthem of Youth Anticipation Anticpation of Energy 1 Anticpation of Energy 2 Aqua Motion Piano Arclight Insistence Arco Attack Movement 1 Arco Attack Movement 2 Arcophonic Echoes 1 Arcophonic Echoes 2 Arcophonico Movement 1 Arcophonico Movement 2 Arcophonico Rattling Movement Arcophonico Saturated Ostinato Army of Spazz Arps of Simplicity Art of Industry Astral Visions 1 Astral Visions 2 Atomic Acceleration Attack of the Badass Robots Attack of the Tranceboy Arp Automated Notch Wobble Avante Garde Groover Babyish Phase Back to Basics Backtracking the Backup Backwards Cellios Backwards Masking Backwards Pulsing Backwards Tape Loop Strings Backwards Thinking Groove Bad Blood Bad Intentions Bad Latitude Groove Bad Philosophy Bandito Heist Bandpassed Euro Arp 1 Bandpassed Euro Arp 2 Bandpassed Minimalism Bandpassed Trancer Banging the Trashcans Barkcello Staccato Movement 1 Barkcello Staccato Movement 2 Bass Bin Computation Bass In Love Bass O' Matic Beat The Pipes Beefy Feet Bend My Circuits Baby Bending Trancegate Bendomatic Duo 1 Bendomatic Duo 2 Bendomatic Duo Sustain Bendomatic Tricky Bendyboys Berghain Berimbowwow Bass 1 Berimbowwow Bass 2 Beyond the Orbit Bickering Bottom Life Big Bad Drama Bass Bigger Than You Binary Bubbles Bipolar Swings Bit 'O Funky Bit Crushed Club Sine Bit o' Honey Bit o' Honey MATCH Black Thumb Rising Blackhearted Crush 1 Blackhearted Crush 2 Blip Arp Sample Reduction Blip Tripper Blipper Octomeister Blipper Syncomeister Blissful Existence Blissfully Unaware Bodhran Tripper 1 Bodhran Tripper 2 Bodhran Tripper 3 Bolerina 1 Bolerina 2 Boreal Forest Bossy Dreds Bossy House Bossypants Both Wheels Beat Modeler 1 Both Wheels Beat Modeler 2 Bouncing Ball Party Bouncing Bass Pattern Bouncing Metal Strings Arp Bouncing Minimalism Bouncy Molecules Bouncy Pluck Brain Mismatch Arp Brain of the Serial Killer Brain of the Serial Maniac Brazilian Bandpass Thipper Breakdown Tranquilizer Breakdown Wibbly Pad Breaking Bad Habits Breaking Out Breaking The Ice Breakout Bandwidth Breakout Bits Breathing Build Up Bright Digital Urgency Arp Browler Bass Bubbling Analog Brew Buenos Aires Arp Bully Alarm Burned Wasp Bass Arp 1 Burned Wasp Bass Arp 2 Busting Thru the Dark Busting Thru the Grid Buzzing Minimal Saw Caffeine Overdose Calling to the Industrialist Came in like an LFO Carillon Timbre Shifter Carousel Dreams Cascading Lights Casio Cascades Casio Piano Looper Casiobouncer Casiomatic Casiophonix Casiotronic Chaos Cast Iron Pulse Cat on the Piano Catfish Cavern Expedition Cavorting with Minors Ceramic Skin Mallets Cerebral Cortex Groove Champagne Dreams Championes Chaos Bowls 1 Chaos Bowls 2 Chaos Bowls 3 Chaos Bowls 4 Chaos Bowls 5 Chaos Bowls 6 Chaos Celeste Chaos in the Commodore Chaotic Arcade Chaotic Strumming Cue Charango Groover Chase The Flute Chase through Chinatown Chasing the Evil Cheerfully Crushed Vibes 1 Cheerfully Crushed Vibes 2 Cheese Hyperspace Future Arp Chest Press Wobble Childishness Children of Time Arp Chilling JP-8000 Gated Pad Chime Paradox China's Rising Tides Chinese Checkers Chinese Mellotron Chip Seq 1 Chip Seq 2 Chip Seq 3 Cholesterol Levels are Fine Chordal Ticking Trance Chuckling Melodica Chunkometrics 1 Chunkometrics 2 Cinematic Chugger Cinematic Noise Ladder Cineperc 1 Cineperc 2 Cinquecento Circadian Groove Circuitbass 1 Circuitbass 2 Circuitrix 1 Circuitrix 2 Circular Reasoning Circus Nightmare City Slumbers Clandestine Bombers Claroscuro 1 Claroscuro 2 Classic Oberheim Pluck Arp Cleansing Dance Clever Girl Clever Hat Beat Clicky Sines 1 Clicky Sines 2 Clipped Sine Wobbler Cliquer Clocking the Timeshift Clocks Whistling in the Wind Cloned Organisms Club Chaos 1 Club Chaos 2 Club Europa Groove Clubbing Children Choir Grv Clubbing Voices 1 Clubbing Voices 2 Clubbing Voices 3 Cobalt Droid Coffee Can Arp Colours of Light Commandotron Comper 3-Pole Complaining Growl Components of Darkness Concealed Identity Conitnuum Prophet Clicks Constellations Controlled Anxiety Converging Galaxies Corrosive Influence Bass Cosmic Bass and Filters Groove Countdown Anxiety Coursing through Veins CPU Counter Crackle Back Bass 1 Crackle Back Bass 2 Crackle Back Shellac 1 Crackle Back Shellac 2 Crackle Track 1 Crackle Track 2 Crackle Track 3 Cramming the Upbeater Critical Pulsations Cross Beat Breakdown Cross Beat Flangestep Cross Beat Kicker Cross Beat Overdriver Cross Beat Crushback 1 Crushback 2 Crushed Choirama Crushed HPF Sweep Crushed Minimal Glitch Crushed Upbeater Crying out in the Darkness Crystalline Pong Arp 1 Crystalline Pong Arp 2 Cubist Rhythms Cyborian Ecstasy Cycle of Grace 1 Cycle of Grace 2 Damage Limitation Dance Floor Scream Dances with Distance Dancing Bells Dancing Boy Factory Dancing Cedars Dancing Galaxies Dancing in the Backdraft Dancing Microchips Dancing Molecules Dancing Popcorn Dancing Resologue Dancing Talkbox Pain Dancing Vox Molecules Dancing Vox Shrinkwrap Dark Ceremony 1 Dark Ceremony 2 Dark Ceremony Striker 1 Dark Ceremony Striker 2 Dark Circuits Dark Day for Renée Dark Railway Perc Dark Side March Dark Space Pluckers Death Breath Decimated Memories Arp Deep Detuner Wooble Deep Junkyard Deep Pulsing M'bira Deep Undercover Syncronization Deeply Disturbed woBBass DEEPM - Aggressive Bend DEEPM - Churning Away DEEPM - Element of Surprise DEEPM - German TB DEEPM - Japanese Warmth DEEPM - Plukopations DEEPM - Stairs Up PWM DEEPM - Surprising Steps DEEPM - Uncertainty Deepwood Sniper Deflector Shield Pulse Deluded Orbit Delusional State Denmark Mood Pad Denmark Noise Groove Sweep Denmark Ratty Morse Departure Lounge Groove Deranged Fatman 1 Deranged Fatman 2 Derangomeister Destroy the Eraserhead Destroy the Fuzzy Tubes Devine Inspiration BBC Devine Inspiration Juice Devine Inspiration Saw2th Devine Inspiration Sizzle Diabolique Deep Diabolique Edge Diamond Sky Digi Buzzer 1 Digi Buzzer 2 Digital Plasticity Digital Techno Pulse Arp DigiYoy Dipthong Clicker Dipthong Groove Dirt Monger Dirty Wobbler Disintegrating Chambers Disorientation Chase Displaced Dotted Quarters Displaced Plucker Dissolutioned Dissolving Capsules Distant Blipper Distant Blips Distorted Acid Synth Distorted Triangle Drops Distortomatic Diva Beat Rogue Depth Diverbeat Ultraclap Divide and Conquer DMX Companion Do the dishes Don't Call My Name Doots Till Dawn Doublespeeder Drama Choir Sparks Dreambira Arp Dreaming of Airborne Chimes Dribbler Drilling Down Deep Drilling the Sickness Dripmeister Drive Me Down Driving Supersaw Droid Mystery 1 Droid Mystery 2 Droid Redemption Drops of Copper Arp Drops of Glass Arp Drops of Honey Drumming Inside the Piano Drumming on the Soundboard DSX SPX-90 Tricks Dual Destinies Dubspank Dubstep Marimbula Dumbek Tripper 1 Dumbek Tripper 2 Dynamic Crystal Gamelan Arp E-moticonic Early Computer Daze 1 Early Computer Daze 2 Early Mod Enveloper Ebow Droplets Ebowed Piano Groove 1 Ebowed Piano Groove 2 Echo Regeneration Vox 1 Echo Regeneration Vox 2 Echoes of a Classic Era Echoes of Disturbance Echoes of Lightbulbs Echoes of Resonance Edge of the Knife EDM Trumpet Eight Millimetre Eight-bit Game Combo 1 Eight-bit Game Combo 2 Electric Ascension Electric Asian Fireflies Electric Run Electric Sitar Ostinato Electric Tiny Fireflies Electrified Tesla Groove 1 Electrified Tesla Groove 2 Electro Ebow 1 Electro Ebow 2 Electro Gate Lead Electro Murmur Electro Organic Drum Machine 1 Electro Organic Drum Machine 2 Electro Shaker Swing Electro Sixteenths 1 Electro Sixteenths 2 Electro Spasms Electrocinema Break Electrocinema Echo Electrocinema Eighths Electrocinema Groove Electrocinema Syncopate Electromechanical Pulse Electromechanical Relay 1 Electromechanical Relay 2 Electron Comp Chorder Electronic Hambone Electronically Cloned Sheep Emergent Echoes End of Days Energy Arc Arps Energy Booster Energy Drink Pulse Energy Quest Energy Swooper Energysweeper Arp 1 Energysweeper Arp 2 Engines of Malice Entropie Escape from Paranoia Escher's Dream Escher's Staircase Essence of Arps Eternal Changling Evo Eternal Changling Eternal Vibes Euphoric Nights Euro Juno Europa Europhoria Eurotrash Fandrummers Evolution of the Quirky Boy Exaggerated Movement Execution Cell Execution Hall Execution Hour Execution Room Exit Wound Experibass Combo Ostinato Experibass Staccato Movement 1 Experibass Staccato Movement 2 Experibass Staccato Movement 3 Experibass Stickato Muted Experibass Stickato NoteBending Experibass Stickato Experibass Taps in Six 1 Experibass Taps in Six 2 Exploration Station Explorator Exposing the Secret Life Express Sweeps Fair and Square 1 Fair and Square 2 Falling Forward Falling Skies Fame MegaSynth Fanatiques Arp Fancified Electrovox Fandrum in a Water Tank Fashion District Fast Forward Motion Groove Fatboy Attack Arp 1 Fatboy Attack Arp 2 Fatboy Attack Arp 3 Feed that little Beast Feed that little Creature Fence Bass Attacks Movement 1 Fence Bass Attacks Movement 2 Feudal Pulsing Fibanacci Sequence Filter Sweep Build Up Arp Filter Sweep Build Up Chord Filtervox Molecules Fire Ants in my Boxers Fire Ants in my Pants Firing Range Fishing for Silver Flanging the Dancers Flitterby Floating Aloft Groove Flustered Saw Straight Flustered Saw Triplets Flutterby Fly Orchestra plays Avant-Garde Fly-By Looper Crush Fly-By Looper Flying Wasp Plucks Flying Wings of Love Flying Wings of Peace FM Dancelines FM Freezing Sines FM Kick Sweep FM Motion M'Bira FM Noisebass Upbeater Foggy Trance Pattern Forces of Darkness Forces of Dread Forces of Evil Forgotten Town Franken Factory 1 Franken Factory 2 Frantic Dronemonkeys Frantic Resoline 1 Frantic Resoline 2 Freezing the Bows Res Freezing the Bows Freezing Vinyl Pad French RAVE-olution Groove Frozen Bell Poles Frozen Quasar Fuming Fireball Funky Alarm Furious Filters Arp Furious Squirrel Bass Groove Fuzz Tones Groove GAIA - Bandpassenger Game Winder Gameboyz Arp Gamelan Meditation Gamelan Wheel Gated Noise Sweep 1 Gated Noise Sweep 2 Gentle Vibrato Chording 1 Gentle Vibrato Chording 2 Gently Crushing Eternity German Fist Pump Get Ready to Dance Get the Juices Flowin' Getting a Buzz Ghost Train Giganticus Pumpus Romanus Giorgio Express Givin' Luv2U Givin' Luv2U2 Givin' Luv2U4 Glass Chains Glass Membranophone Glass Spark Bubbles Glassy Expectations Gliding Plastic Saw Glitch-o-plex Echo Reverse 1 Glitch-o-plex Echo Reverse 2 Glitch-o-plex Echo Glitch-o-plex Organ 1 Glitch-o-plex Organ 2 Glitch-o-plex Organ 3 Glitch-o-plex Organ 4 Glitch-o-plex Shuffler Glitch-o-plex Spastic Organ Glitch-o-plex Spastic Piano Glitch-o-plex Spastic Synth Glitching Envelopes Glittar not Gold Go Kart Putt Putt Going Through a New Phase Gramohanger Movement 1 Gramohanger Movement 2 Gravel Siren Gravity Planet Gravity Rush Greasy Bazz Greetings from India Grey Skyline Overtones Grey Skyline Percussive Gridlock Edge Gridlock Huge Gridlock Thin Grinding Cymbals Sequence Grinding Mids Gritty and Dry Gritty Sidechain 1 Gritty Sidechain 2 Gritty Sidechain 3 Groove Enhancer Grooving in the Skins Grooving Metallophone Grooving Moog Square Bass Grooving Talking Filter Grooving Vowels Grooving Water Drops Grooving Water Stream 1 Grooving Water Stream 2 Groovorganica GTR Taponic Ostinato Gumby and Pokey Gunpowder Action Gut Strings Little Accents Hacked Circuits 1 Hacked Circuits 2 Half-Time Atonality Half-Time Malevolence 1 Half-Time Malevolence 2 Hammer Step Seq Handle Me Bass Boy Hang Gliss Rods Hang Gliss Sugar Happiness Inversions Happy Campers Happy Gaga Square Happy Gamer Happy Go Lucky Happy Hihats Happy Pluck Signal Hard Lead Gated Seq Hard Plastic ArpLead Hard Wobbler Hardstyle Kick Riffer Harmo Clickies Harmo Generator Harmocentric Slo Sweep Harmonics of the Prophet Harpsipeggios Hash Pipes Hats Off Haus Vocal Toy He Walked Headbashers Heart Arrhythmia Heart Stabber Heartbeat of the Orchestron Heightened Pulse Poly Heightened Pulse Solo Hex Vex Hidden Tribe Hiding in the Icefields HiHat Analogue 16th Hip-Hop 909 Bass Hold Me Close Homecoming Cascade Hope U Know Someone Inside House Mid Range Groove House of Electro Pain How to Rock the House 101 Human HiHats Humble and Square Husch Hydrogen Generated Mutations Hype Energizer Hyper Alert Hyperactive Robopet Hyperdimensional Mirror Groove Hypnotic Filter Tapper Hypnotic Induction Hypnotic Minimalism Crush Hypnotic Minimalism Hypnotic Spiralimba Hypnotizer Hysteria Pulse I've Been to Mars and It Was Packed! Icebreaker Iceland Groove IDM Bassbelch 1 IDM Bassbelch 2 If Crickets Raved Ignited Arcophonico Movement Ikea Illinois Smith Imperial March Movement Impulsatronic Arp Impulsive Connections In a Trance-like State In Memorium Musicbox In the Basement Incandescent Shimmer India Indigo Indian Timekeeper 1 Indian Timekeeper 2 Industrial Countdown Industrial Damage Industrial Iron Fists Industrial Tensions Industrial Trash Machine Infinite EuroSaws Infrared Groove Hallucination Inharmonic Madness Inkjet Printer Bass Innerversions Input Your Chord Data Inside the Bottle Complex Inside the Bottle Simple Insistence Insurgency Intense Balaphonia Intermittent Hearbeat Bass Interrogation Techniques Intervals of Bliss Intimate Bouncing Mallets Into Battle Inversion Conversion Inversion Glides Inversion Revision Irritant Reduction Irritated Intervals It's 1975 Again It's 1976 Again It's 1977 Again It's 1978 Again It's 1979 Again It's 1980 Again Itchy Bug Jacked Up the Ripper Jambalaya Jig Jamming Scrapers in Five 1 Jamming Scrapers in Five 2 Janitorial Duties Japanese Humanoid 1 Japanese Humanoid 2 JayPee Heaven JDXA - Tense Times JDXi - Duophonica JDXi - Orange Echoes JDXi - Power Gate JDXi - Throbbing Acid Joy of Sid 1 Joy of Sid 2 JP Classic Arps 1 JP Classic Arps 2 JP-8 Synced Bells Arp JP08 - Copper Beads JP08 - Pulsing Wide JP8000 - Chart Pulser JP8000 - Classic Trancegate JP8000 - Epic Euro 16ths JP8000 - Viva le Trance JP8000 - Wistful Time Bandit Juicy Lounge Juicy Sample and Hold Juno Octave Arp Plucker Juno Pulsatronic Brass Jupiter Bells Just Square JX-3P Meets Juicy Filter Kalimbascopic Kalimbasteam Karplus Motion Karplus Strong Guitar Invert Karplus Strong Guitar Smash Karplus Strong Guitar Keez Pleez Kickstarter Kilowatt Alarm 1 Kilowatt Alarm 2 Kinetic Noise Kinetic Prophets King Pong Kiss my Acetone Kites in the Clouds Kites in the Sky Kites on the Run Klaatu Barada Nikto Klatterer KMINI - Anticipation KMINI - Auto Pulser KMINI - Blast Alert KMINI - Click Bait KMINI - Distraught Trance Tension KMINI - Emphasis KMINI - Indie KMINI - Interrogation KMINI - Melodies KMINI - Polyrhythmic Downer KMINI - Relentless Sixteenths KMINI - Suspense Pulse Kokamuffin KPRO - Cold Storage KrafTwerk 1 KrafTwerk 2 Krafty Noise Groove Labyrinth for the Brain Lady Chopper Lallo Tension Pulse Largo Pesante 1 Largo Pesante 2 Laser GunZ Latitude Adjustment 1 Latitude Adjustment 2 Lawnmower Lazer for Les 1 Lazer for Les 2 Lazer Square Trap Lazerface Bass Lazy Pumper Le Arpatronica Left for Dead on the Moon Life Gets Messy Light and Perky Light and Simple Light Digital Crush Light of the Night 1 Light of the Night 2 Light the Darkness Lighter Than Air Lil Bouncer Granular Lil Bouncer Strat Pick Lil Bouncer Wheel Blip Sid Limited Bandwidth Liquid India Liquid Life 1 Liquid Life 2 Lit Up Like Christmas 1 Lit Up Like Christmas 2 Lite Filler Little Bit Bent Little Bit Buzzed 1 Little Bit Buzzed 2 Little Bit Buzzed 3 Little Bouncer Little Clique Riser Little Energizer Little Personality Quirks Locomotia Long Distance Runner Longing for Home Longing for Love Longing for Warmth Loping Circles Lounge Choir Chords Lounge Choir Mmmspace Lounge Groove 1 Lounge Groove 2 Love Parade LPHAT - Chopper Ride LPHAT - Dance With Me LPHAT - Elementary LPHAT - Night Cruise LPHAT - Timesquare Lucious Airwaves 1 Lucious Airwaves 2 Luminary Luminopiano Metals Luminopiano Movement 1 Luminopiano Movement 2 Luminopiano Movement 3 Luminopiano Movement 4 Lurching FM Guitaret Luxi-Crush Synth Luxi-Crush Throat Machine Gun Spitoon Machine Gun Trance Machine HipsterZ Machine Learning Machine of Malice Machine of Stress Machine Shaker 16ths Mad Bull Percussive Sequence Mad Bull ResoCrush Sequence Mad Bull Tonal Sequence Mad Wow Maddening Zapper Magma Chaos Gate 1 Magma Chaos Gate 2 Magnetic Aura Mainframe Triplet Pluck 1 Mainframe Triplet Pluck 2 Malabass Bouncer Maladjustments 1 Maladjustments 2 Man At The Pump Marching Toys Marking the Rhythm Massive Oscillators Arp Massive Trance Station Arp Master of Disaster Masters Old Bow Maximal Sinecrush Mazz the Spazz Mazz Throaters Megalomaniacal Groove Melchizedek 1 Melchizedek 2 Melchizedek 3 Membrane Builder Mental Throbber 1 Mental Throbber 2 Metal Heart Altoid 1 Metal Heart Altoid 2 Metal To the Pedal Metallurgist Metropolitan Minimalism Micro Sources Arp Micro Toy Botz Microchip Hoedown Microglitch 1 Microglitch 2 Micronoise Clicker 1 Micronoise Clicker 2 Mid Range Echoes Midnight Clubland Midnite Xpress Lane Miley's Virus Mind over Metal Mini Hydroworks Looper Minimal Buzz Minimal Luminescence Minimal Sinecrush Minimalsitic Filterfunk 1 Minimalsitic Filterfunk 2 Minty Bells Mirror Puffs Mixo Meditation Mmmnnnn Modding the SID Chips Modern Prophecy 303 Modular Crush Modular Gamelans Far Modular Gamelans Near Modular Harmonic Delays Modular Sequenzer Modular Square Drops Modular Trance Crickets Monopolyphonic Sea Dive Monster Movie Moody Greens Moonbase Arp MOPHO - Reso Ramper Morphionic Dance Morse Chill Moving Skin MS20 - Raw Power MS20 - Task Force MS2000 - Mental Uncertainty Muscle Juno Pump Musicbox Beat Mutating M'Biras Muted Expectations Muy Guapo My Altered Senses 1 My Altered Senses 2 My Density My Little Guitar Stroke Naggin' Nails In Your Eyes Name Check Nasty Business Nasty Sample and Hold Faker Nasty Sonic Aggresso Groove NCMS - Back Me Up NCMS - Plucky Pulse NCMS - Portal of Wonder NCMS - Sweet Beef Neural Toxin New World Order Night Skies in the City Nippon Planetary Love Nitrous Bass NLEAD - Fakereverbarp NLEAD - Lost in the Arcade NLEAD - Shredded Counter No Remorse in Space Noise Choker 1 Noise Choker 2 Noise Prophets Noise Sweeper Reduction Noisegate Bender Noisepulse Toothbrush Noisesteppin' Noisy Contest Groove Noisy Growl NSA Surveillance OB6 - Banding Side by Side OB6 - Brassy Puffer OB6 - Eight Times Eight OB6 - Electron Spice OB6 - Fingerplucking OB6 - Flutey Puffer OB6 - French Cinema OB6 - Logarithm OB6 - Manned Flight OB6 - Pounding Wet Pavement OB6 - Pulsation Sweepers OB6 - Time Will Tell Obscured Echo Octaphonica Octomeister Bass Odd Chip Bell Sequence Ode to Mr Newman Arp Offbeat Bass Offbeat TranceChords Oh I see Oh Wow Wobbler 1 Oh Wow Wobbler 2 Oh Wow Wobbler 3 Old Habits Old is New Again One Layer Bombast Operative Code Arp Optigan Marimba in Space Optigan Marimba Starship Orange Lounge Groove Orbital Delusions Orchestral Cylinder Orchestron Cello groove 1 Orchestron Cello groove 2 Orchestronic Trance Orchestronica Cellios Organ Beatmap Organafizz 1 Organafizz 2 Organafizz 3 Organatolia Organic Blacksmith Organic Energy Organic Minimalism Organized Pulsations OSCar 1 OSCar 2 OSCar 3 OSCar 4 Oslo Trip Our Cover Is Blown Outrunner Overboil 909 Overdriven Beep Overheated Tank Overstimulated Bass Pad Pulsars 12db Panic Mode Panic Rocker Paper Pulser Bass Paraphonic Trance 1 Paraphonic Trance 2 Paraphonic Trance 3 Party Animal Lead Pattern of Reflection Pax Groove 1 Pax Groove 2 Peace Pulse Pad PEAK - Azerbaijan PEAK - Cinemotion PEAK - Performance PEAK - Sunny Day Simulation Percussive Luminopiano 1 Percussive Luminopiano 2 Percussive Luminopiano 3 Perfect Structures of Crystals Perk-o-lator Rhumba Perky Kids Perky Plucks Persecution Bass Persistent Accenter Persistent Beating 1 Persistent Beating 2 Persistent Sixteenths Phasey Club Synth Phillip's Glass Staccato Soprano Phlutterphase Hang Piercing Pulse Piercing the Skies Pincher Pulse Pinging Farfisa Pinging Tonewheels Hit Pinging Tonewheels Pink Martini I Pink Martini II Pink Martini III Pink Martini IV Pink Noise Percussionist Pipe Organ Pluck Arp Pitch Rippin' Planning the Demise Planning the Revenge Plastic Boy Plastic Cat of the Plastic Boy Plastic Chime Pluck Arp Plastic Ninja Plastico Lead Arps Plasto303 Arp Play 4 Note Chord Pluck and Play 1 Pluck and Play 2 Pluck Up Plucked Dream Piano Arp Plucker Machine Plucking Octaves Plucking Pulses Plucking the Musicbox Arp Plucks in Three Plucky Pipes are Dancing Poly Pluckers Polymoceanic Pop Drop Pop Drops Pop Staples Pulse Pop Syncopluck Pop Tail Pumper Pop Trance Phaser Pop Upbeaterz Popchords Poppie Pluckers Positive Reactions Arp Positronic Pulsations Positronica Postmodern M'Birascura Power Filter Sweep 1 Power Filter Sweep 2 Power Juno Rhythm Power Pop Poly Pulser Power Pop Trash Power Throaty Sweep PR12 - Good Day PR12 - Harm Onica PR12 - Nine Inches Deep PR12 - Nine Inches Wide PR12 - Unsafe Spaces PR12 - Waltzing PR12 - Ziplines Preen Preparing for the Pain Preparing for the Worst Preperation Sticks Pressurized Pulse PRO2 - Chaotic Cascade PRO2 - Noisy VHS Saws Arp PRO2 - Stairs of Destiny 1 PRO2 - Stairs of Destiny 2 PRO2 - Swing for the Fences PRO6 - Delorean Disco PRO6 - Steddee Smakker PRO6 - Zigzag Driver PRO8 - 1978 PRO8 - 1979 PRO8 - Fueling the Tension PRO8 - Pac Boy Prophesy Energy Arp PROX - Hiding the Elephant PSS Swing Drummer PSS Tripletesque Drummer Psycho Gamer Pulminary Artery Pulsating Interlude Lead Pulsating Techno Interlude 1 Pulsating Techno Interlude 2 Pulsating Tuned Noise Pulsating Voices Pulsation Station Pulsatronic Lead Arp Pulsatronic Sweep Pulse Carrier Pulse of Bass Reduction Pulse of the Synthetic Voices 1 Pulse of the Synthetic Voices 2 Pulsing Air Trance Pulsing Airvox 1 Pulsing Airvox 2 Pulsing Nasties Pulsing Resonance Pumping Energizers Pumping Pads Pumping Phasey Pads Pumping Sawstrings Purdy Chaos Purple Dreams Purple Sky Quantized Wind Quasarius Quirky Agitated Saw Pattern Quirky Boy Pulse Quirky Child Quirky Dancer Quirky Moves Quivvering Square Race against the Burn RADIAS - Aggression Ramps RADIAS - Andre the Giant RADIAS - Brutalis RADIAS - Chubby Dancer RADIAS - Duophonic Resoramps RADIAS - Heart Spasm RADIAS - Hungry Man RADIAS - Love Parade Hi RADIAS - Love Parade Lo RADIAS - Noise Groover RADIAS - Taptoes RADIAS - Technophobe RADIAS - Technophonics Radio Edit ArpChords Radio Pulse Transmitter Radio VL Groove Radioactive Isotope 1 Radioactive Isotope 2 Raining on Replicants Rampart Rampy Ruby Random Acts 1 Random Acts 2 Random Tine Drops 1 Random Tine Drops 2 Random Vocal FX Drone Rasputin Wobbler Ratcheting Up the Pain Rave of the Buzzards Rave of the Buzzheads Rave of the Flies Raves 2001 Raving Boy Raving in the Estuary 1 Raving in the Estuary 2 Raving in the Estuary 3 Raving Lunatic Razorface Bass Reaching the Breaking Point Reanimators 1 Reanimators 2 Rectified Pump Rectifier Reaction 1 Rectifier Reaction 2 Recurring Dream Sequence Recurring Fears Red Bull Saw Arp Reduced Shaker Samba Reduced Wobbler Reduction Noise 16ths Reduction of the Lama Redwood Messaging 1 Redwood Messaging 2 Reflective Nylon Guitar Relentless Popper Reloaded Bass Pattern Renaissance Traveler Repeat Offender Repeater Bass Repeater Dream Piano Clickarps Repeater Dream Piano Reso Fuzz Echoes Resonation 1 Resonation 2 Resonation Cycles Retro Dancing Mallets Retro Dancing Plucker Retro Riffer Retrograde Looper 1 Retrograde Looper 2 Retrospective Piano Arpeggio Return of the Dancing Boy 1 Return of the Dancing Boy 2 Return of the Traceboy REV2 - Bouncy Balls REV2 - Classic 1970 16ths REV2 - Dancing Night Train REV2 - Driven Mad REV2 - Homesick in Berlin REV2 - Hyperventilated Saw REV2 - Meteor Shower REV2 - Midnight Clubland REV2 - Midnight Snack REV2 - Personal Echo Chambers REV2 - Removed Mind REV2 - Secret Subdivisions REV2 - Speleothemic Dungeon REV2 - Strumming Cables REV2 - Summer Stroll REV2 - Tension Builder REV2 - Thought Process REV2 - Unsettling Faucet REV2 - Walk With Caution Revers-a-matik Reversal of the Supersaws Reverse Forward Reversing the Trend Reverskater Noise Sweep Revisiting the Early Years 1 Revisiting the Early Years 2 Rhythm of a Fandrum Rhythmic Human Sea Waves Rhythmic Pop Female Voices Rhythmic Structures Ricochet Noise Riding the Storm Rise of the Supersaw Road to Kinshasa Robo Breaker Robodrum Fun Robodrum Wire 1 Robodrum Wire 2 Robodrum Wiredancer Robomancer Robopincher Roboscratch Funk Robot Throb Robotic Actuator Robotic Reduction Roboto Arp Robotronics Rollerbass Rollerpluck Rolling Hangdrum Accel Rotating Dopplerhead Rubber Cords Movement 1 Rubber Cords Movement 2 Rude Sine Tickler Rude Tickler Run Them Down Running Scissors Ruptured Glitches Rusty Oil Can Bows in Seven Sample and Hold Me Satellite Radio Satuloop Redux Sauvignon Blanc Saws of Simplicity Scarecrow Scattering Thought Flowers Science Class Screaming Combers ScreamRing Screeching Halt 1 Screeching Halt 2 SE02 - Rotor Torture 1 SE02 - Rotor Torture 2 Sensory Overblow Seq to Scream Sequence Interception SETI Machine Wheel SH01A - Broken Glasses Chase SH01A - Cajun Brushes SH01A - Cricket Bubble Ruff SH01A - Glassy Perc Groove SH01A - Legend Saw Arp SH01A - My Burbler Bass SH201 - Uncontained Rage Shaking the Noise Shark's Bite Shattered Glass Doors Shing and Bling Shock to the System Show Your Teeth Shredders Shriekers Shrillwerk SID 303 EP SID Beat Confident SID Rough Beat Sid's Brother in Law Sid's Latest Riff Sidechain Gain Sidechain Verb Lead Sidechained Bass Drive Sidechained Trance Signal Interference Silly Tune from the Barn Simple Moog Arp Simple Trance Phased Eights Sine Clickies 1 Sine Clickies 2 Sine Grain Delayz Sine Reduction Perc Sine Wave Groove Drops Sines of Digitalism Sines of the Millenium SK-1 Auto Pilot Skinny Chicks Skip the Raging Swinger Skipping Across the Radio Sky Runner Sloppy ElectroFunk Smoked Synth Bass Groove 1 Smoked Synth Bass Groove 2 Smoked Synth Bass Groove 3 Sneaking into the Club Sneaky Magma Snipping the Mayhem Solo on the Dance Floor Sonic Highway Jam Sonic Highway Trance Sonospheres Space Cat of the Space Boy Space Distress Spaceship of the Plastic Boy Spacey Sine Arps Spasm Boy Spectral Muck SPHAT - Dub Circus SPHAT - Heist Bass SPHAT - Induction Wobble SPHAT - Marching Orders SPHAT - Neural Toxin SPHAT - Persistent UPbeat SPHAT - Pluck Wob Glider SPHAT - Pulsing Low End SPHAT - Scream then Seethe SPHAT - Simply Ostinato SPHAT - Urgency SPHAT - Wobble Iron SPHAT - Wobbledy Wobbledy Spike's Basement Dance Spinning in Reverse Looper Spirit of the 70s Spoiled Triplets Square Blippy Arp Square Reducer Bass Squared Poppies Squared Rollers Squares in Distress 1 Squares in Distress 2 Squares Inside a Squared Box Squeege Shaperz Stage Rusher Starcycle Boogie Stars in My Tide Pool State of Confusion Steady Flow Bass in Six Steady Flow Bass Steady Growler Steam Pipe Groove 1 Steam Pipe Groove 2 Steamed and Burned Bass Step Vowels Step-phaser String Machine 1 Step-phaser String Machine 2 Stepmeister Complex Stepmeister Ringer Stepmeister Simple Steps of 8ths Steps of Eternity 1 Steps of Eternity 2 Steps of Intensity 1 Steps of Intensity 2 Steps of Urgency 1 Steps of Urgency 2 Stockholm Trip Stone Arps Storm Catcher Strained Plucker Strategy Elements Strategy Evaluation Strategy Execution Stress Disorders Striking Bows with Hands Striking Bows with Stick String Machine Master Arp Stringo Dingo Strong Acid Reflux Strum of Uneasiness Stutter Crush Stuttering Music Box Stylophone Glide-O-phonic Sub Process 1 Sub Process 2 SUB37 - Are We in Sync? SUB37 - Barbados SUB37 - Driptective SUB37 - Droid Boy SUB37 - Electronic Surveillance SUB37 - Name 3 Times Arp SUB37 - Outta Sync SUB37 - Pending Doom SUB37 - Sci Fi Arp SUB37 - Trills and Thrills SUB37 - Voodoo or Voodon't SUB37 - Zplane Alarmist Submarine Breach Subterfuge Dance Sucking Syncbots Sugarlimba FM Arp Sugarlimba Groove Sultan of Stab Summertime Chords Sunrise Fisheries Super Juicebox Arpies Super Mario Circuitbender Groove Super Mario is my Cousin Supergate Juno Supergate Supersaw Crush Supersawwwww ArpLead Supremacy Surfs Up Dude Surveillance Society Sustenance Swagger Sidechainer Swagger Wobbler Swaggering Around Swarm Hit Sweet Beef Sweet Sixteenths Swingin' Blipper Swingin' Mr Buchla Switching Decks Swoop dee-doo 1 Swoop dee-doo 2 Symmetric Pulsation Symphony of Pulsing Harmonia Synchroclock Syncopated Blippers Syncopated Yogi Syncopatio Syncropated Sines Synthetic Anxiety Synthetic Juice Alarm Synthetic Juice Funk Synthetic Reaction Synthwave Ballad SYST1 - Attitudinal SYST1 - Blue Origins SYST1 - Duckbilled SYST1 - Lozenges SYST1 - Sucking Air Bass SYST1 - Sucking at Life SYST1 - Suction Triplets SYST8 - Age of Clarity SYST8 - Alert SYST8 - Anthem Pump SYST8 - Bending Pulse SYST8 - Electric Wobble SYST8 - Electricity SYST8 - Electrostatic Beans SYST8 - Green Giant SYST8 - Leafy Greens SYST8 - Pacemaker System of an Upbeat Szignature Talking Filter Groove Tank Bass Tap Out Tapping Guitarbots Tapping Tines Arp TB Killerz Tech Alert Alarm Tech Alert Warning Teknik Bombastic Tempo Control Kaleidoscope 1 Tempo Control Kaleidoscope 2 Tempo Shaped Darkness Tempo Synced Laser Tension Tines Tesla Coil Arp 1 Tesla Coil Arp 2 Tesla's Arclight Tesla's Insistence Teutonic Influence The Aerophonic Steps The Altered Sleep Cycle 1 The Altered Sleep Cycle 2 The Altered Sleep Cycle 3 The Altered Sleep Cycle 4 The Big Nasty The Biggietron The Descent of Vinyl The Formant Wheel The Foundry The Hunted The Odd Boy Dances The Old School Trance The Pursuit Theory of Groove Theory of Simple Complexity Theremin at the Disco Thick and Thin Thinly Crushed Pad Thousand Hands in the Air Thrashed Tickler Three-Pole Rhythm Love Pad Throat Singer Syncorama Thruster Force Tibetan Meditation Tick Tock Trance Tickle the Icicles Time Capsules Time For Haus Time Jumper II Time Jumper Time of Our Lives Timekeeper Rebound Tine Pulsation Tiny Virus Tireless Squares Tommy Pluck Arp Tonal Metallics Tonylistic Tornado Percussive Sequence Tornado Tonal Sequence Tortured Saw Tour De Click Toxic Code TR-909 Snare Roll Trance Child Trance Comber 1 Trance Comber 2 Trance Dyno-Arps 1 Trance Dyno-Arps 2 Trance Dyno-Arps 3 Trance Dyno-Arps 4 Trance Magma GT Trance Pattern Morph Tranceformation Masters Trancemooger TranceTronic Tranquil Ending Tranquilimba Trap Screech Trapping by Accident Tribal Grains Tribalism Trilobites Trip Tone Trance Triple Casioplets 1 Triple Casioplets 2 Triplet Bass Wobble 1 Triplet Bass Wobble 2 Triplet Bass Wobble 3 Triplet Chill Triplet Wobbler Troubled Heart Troubled Mind TSB Groover Tuvan Dance 1 Tuvan Dance 2 Tuvan Dance 3 Tuvan Orchestra Tweaking and Twerking Tweezy Kid Wobba Tweezy Kid Two AM at The Beach Hit Uber Bendomatic 1 Uber Bendomatic 2 Ubersolina Trancephase Bright Ubersolina Trancephase Warm UK Underground Synth Ultraviolet Groove Hallucination Under Attack Siren Undercover Operation Undercurrent on Cloud 9 Underfed 1 Underfed 2 Underground Freeze 1 Underground Freeze 2 Understated String Pulse Underwired Underworld Pipeline 1 Underworld Pipeline 2 Underworld Pipeline 3 Universalia Majora Universalia Minora Unpredictable Sweeper Unreliable Narrator Unstable and Loving It Up Jacked Upbeat Badass 5ths Upbeat Voices Upbeating Juno Strings Upbeating Supersaw Upscale Junos Valve Oscillator Build Vandalized Moog Echoes VelocoTrap Hats Vertigen Res Vertigen Shake Vertigen Sweep Vicious Aggresitronic Vindictive Rage Vintage Analog Arps Vintage Electro Drum 1 Vintage Electro Drum 2 Vintage Electro Drum 3 Vinyl Sample and Hold Vinyl Toy Bells Violent Dumbek Violent Energy Viral Organafifth Viral Upbeater Viral Urgency VIRUS - Grinder Virus Pulsations Visual Groove Visual Vortex VL Groove VL-Tone Mod Vocal Sync Ornaments 1 Vocal Sync Ornaments 2 Vocoder Crush Voltage Dreams of a Robot Arp Voodoo Bits 1 Voodoo Bits 2 Voxios VYGR - Analog Ramps VYGR - Parallel Filters Pulse 1 VYGR - Parallel Filters Pulse 2 VYGR - Stutter Butter Cutter VYGR - Waves Approaching Waiting for the Horizon Waiting for the Peak Wakandan War Rhino Walk of Fame Wandering Mind Warble Fly Warm Saws in the Dance Floor Warmth of the Heart Washing Wheel Wasp Catcher Waspy Octave Plucker Water Lilies Waterchime Lullaby Watery Gamelan Spreader Waveshaped Nights Wavetable Dancer Wavetable Wobbler 1 Wavetable Wobbler 2 Wavetable World 1 Wavetable World 2 Wavetable World 3 Weaponized Insects Weathered Strummin Whack Chaos Bending Wheel of Richness Wheel Up to My Jumper Whining Glider Whining Pulse Whistleko Arp White Morpheus Whoofie Whowie Whobble Wide Grinder Wiggling Bowl Arp Wind Groove Wobbashield Wobble 'O matic Wobble Aggressor Wobble Feeders Wobble Planet Wobble Vowels Wobblehead Wonderland Interruptus Wood Key Ostinabula Wood Rods Percussion Workin' the Synthetic Organic Workin' the Synthetic Workstation Fugitive Xaduxio Xpress Zplane Alarmist 2ff7e9595c


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